
Hugh Macmillan, Max Gluckman, a short biography, is forthcoming in 2023-4 from Berghahn Books (New York and Oxford) in their series on 'Anthropology's Ancestors'.

Hugh Macmillan, Oliver Tambo, a Jacana Pocket Biography (Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2017), pp. 1-165 (ISBN: 978-1-4314-2563-1):

Hugh Macmillan (with Frank Shapiro), Zion in Africa: The Jews of Zambia (London and New York: IB Tauris,in association with the Council for Zambia Jewry, Lusaka, Zambia), new hardback and paperback editions, with epilogue, 2017, pp. xvi, 1-383 with two maps and 32 illustrations, ISBN (HB) 978 1 78831 033 8 and ISBN (PB) 978 1 78453666 4: 

Hugh Macmillan, An African Trading Empire: The Story of Susman Brothers & Wulfsohn, 1901-2005 (London and New York: I B Tauris and Palgrave Macmillan, new paperback edition, 2017), pp. xii, 1- 492, with two maps and sixteen illustrations, ISBN:978 1 78453 6787:

Hugh Macmillan, Jack Simons: Teacher, Scholar, Comrade, a Jacana Pocket Biography (Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2016, 2nd impression 2018), pp 1- 167, ISBN 978-1-4314-2334-7:,-scholar,-comrade-detail

Hugh Macmillan, Chris Hani, a Jacana Pocket Biography (Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2014, 3rd impression 2017), pp.1-152, ISBN 978-1-4314-0891-7. This book was re-published by Ohio University Press in 2021 and was included with three other pocket biographies in African Activists of the Twentieth Century (Ohio UP) in 2023.The Lusaka Years

Hugh Macmillan, The Lusaka Years: The African National Congress in Exile in Zambia, 1963-94 (Auckland Park, South Africa:  Jacana Media, November 2013, 6th impression, 2019), pp. x, 357, with 4 maps and 12 pages of  illustrations, ISBN 978 – 14314-0821-4. (fifth impression 2017).

Hugh Macmillan, An African Trading Empire: The Story of Susman Brothers & Wulfsohn, 1901-2005 (London and New York: I B Tauris and Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), pp. xii, 1- 492, with two maps and sixteen illustrations (ISBN 1 85043 853 6). link to cover:

Hugh Macmillan (with Frank Shapiro), Zion in Africa: The Jews of Zambia (London and New York: I B Tauris (in association with Council for Zambia Jewry, Lusaka, Zambia, 1999), pp. x, 1- 342 with two maps and 16 illustrations (ISBN: 1 86064 405 8). link to cover:


Hugh Macmillan (with David Gibbs) (eds.), Martin Aliker, The Bell is Ringing: Martin Aliker's Story (Kampala, Uganda: Fountain Publishers, 2018, 2nd impression 2018), pp.xv, 1-252, with 25 illustrations (ISBN: 978 9970 25 950 2):; new edition: Oxford: Oxford Publishing Services, 2020 (ISBN: 978-0-995-52786-7).

Hugh Macmillan (ed.), Mona Macmillan, Mona’s Story: an Admiral’s Daughter in England, Scotland and Africa, 1908-51 (Oxford: Oxford Publishing Services, 2008), pp. x, 1- 221, with fifteen illustrations (ISBN: 978-0-9550031-1-0). Link to cover:
Hugh Macmillan and Shula Marks (eds.) Africa and Empire: W. M. Macmillan, Historian and Social Critic (Aldershot: Temple Smith for the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, 1989), pp. 1-366 (ISBN: 0566 05494 9).